The first sign may be a loud bang or roar, followed by feeling the ground shake and roll for several minutes. Aftershocks, or smaller earthquakes, can continue for many hours, even days.
Earthquakes cannot be predicted.
However, there are some important resources available to help you be prepared. When earth shifts happen, let EPIC-FSC show you how and where to:
- Store and rotate your emergency water supply
- Store your emergency food
- Have readily accessible emergency medical supplies
EPIC-FSC and the RCD Join Forces Providing a Valuable FREE SERVICE
We live in a recognized Wildland Urban Interface (WUI).
To meet this challenge, we are working closely with the Resource Conservation District (RCD) of the Santa Monica Mountains. EPIC-FSC is now able to provide you with a powerful resource. The RCD through EPIC-FSC will provide a free expert Home Hardening and Sustainable Defensible Space evaluation.