Home Hardening
Home Hardening

Take Proactive Measures NOW to Protect Your Home Against Disasters

As 2024 approaches, residents of Calabasas are encouraged to make an important New Year’s resolution—to prepare their homes and family for emergency events. EPIC-FSC, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, offers homeowners a free Home Hardening assessment to protect their property against the threat of wildfires and other natural disasters.

Emergency Preparedness in Calabasas Takes Center Stage

With a steadfast mission to proactively prepare the entire community for potential natural disasters, EPIC offers a diverse array of critical programs. These programs encompass home hardening assessments, earthquake preparedness, and the deployment of amateur radio equipment, to name a few. EPIC-FSC is at the forefront of fostering a safer and more resilient community.

Wildfire Mitigation Tools: Things to Do Now

In an ongoing effort to enhance wildfire emergency preparedness and safety in our community, Emergency Preparedness in Calabasas, a Fire Safe Council (EPIC-FSC) is urging all residents to stay informed and connected through essential emergency notification services. With wildfire season upon us, being well-prepared and informed is crucial to protect our loved ones and property.


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    Our website provides information from reliable sources like the federal agency FEMA, the state agency CalFire, and the National Fire Prevention Association (NFPA). EPIC is not responsible for the content of external sites. 

    By accessing or using this website or any EPIC resources or information, you acknowledge and agree that all recommendations made by EPIC or contained in this website are provided for your convenience to educate you as to possible scenarios in the event of a general emergency.  The information provided or made available by EPIC is not a substitute for professional inspections by contractors, engineers, or other knowledgeable professionals of your own selection, or for advice or any rules, regulations, or directives of by police, fire, other emergency, law enforcement, or other public officials. Under no circumstances will EPIC be liable for any loss, damage, or other liability whatsoever, including to the extent arising from the use of information provided or made available by EPIC.

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